Various non-Invasive methods for Assessing Obesity
Various Non Invasive methods used for assessing the Obesity BMI - Body Mass Index. It's calculated by dividing individuals' weight in Kg by Height in M ². For Eg - An Asian Individual weight is 68 kg and height is 160 cm. His BMI would be 26.5. We Classify this individual as obese and he is at increased risk of comorbidities also. World Health Organisation BMI Chart for Asian Indians- Classification BMI (Risk of Co-morbidities) Underweight < 18.5 ( Low Risk) Normal Range 18.5 - 22.9 ( Average ) Overweight 23 - 24.9 (Low to Moderate Risk) Obese Class I 25- 29.9 (Increased Risk) Obese Class II 30- 34.9 ( Moderate Risk ) Obese Class III 35- 39.9 ( Severe Risk) Morbidity Obese >= 40...