Why healthy eating habits are important for Woman Health?


Healthy eating habits are very important for women, especially for women of the reproductive age group due to the high prevalence of Anemia reported in women as Per (NFHS 5 )Data. Around 57% of the women were reported to be anemic overall. If we consider reproductive age group women the prevalence of anemia is around 52.4% overall. Indirectly prevalence of anemia in reproductive women has an impact on their fetal iron status, and cognitive development. Also,  there is a rise in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in women. It is worrisome to know that  (24%) of women were reported to be overweight and obese ( NFHS 5 ) data and this increase the chances of Non-Communicable Disease  ( diabetes) among them. So, women of today's generation need to eat healthy for their good health and prevention of non-communicable diseases and anemia among them.

Dietary measures that women can take for their health-

  •   Eating a diversified diet.
  •   Avoid skipping meals, unhealthy eating habits, and crash dieting.
  •   Consume around (400 - 500 )grams of fruits and vegetables in a daily diet.
  •    Avoid a combination of meals with tea.
  •    Cooking methods that enhance the digestibility and nutrient availability of food should be preferred.
  •   Avoid re-use of oils once used for deep frying. 
  •    Milk and Milk products like curd, chach, milk, paneer, and Whey water are to be included in the diet.
  •    Whole legumes, pulses, and sprouts must be part of the daily diet.
  •    Include seasonal greens like spinach, fenugreek leaves, Mustard greens ( Sarso Ka saag), and Cauliflower greens in the diet as per seasonal availability.
  •    Beetroot in salad must be part of the diet except if you are allergic then avoid it.
  •     Nuts and oilseeds such as almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds are sources of essential fatty acids and they have other health benefits too.
  •     Better to avoid bakery and processed food items for avoiding hormonal imbalance.
  •     Sugar intake is not more than 10 grams per day. If you are diabetic then no sugar.
  •     Preference should be given to locally grown fruits, and vegetables.
  •     There is no harm in eating traditional Indian recipes. Homemade traditional recipes should be preferred when in season.
  •       In general, drinks prefer chach, coconut water, and lemon water. Better to avoid carbonated beverages.
  •     Try to include millets in your diet like bajra, ragi, and Jawar as per seasonal availability.
      Eating a sustainable balanced diet that is sustainable, affordable, and accessible and provide adequate nourishment to your body will increase your productivity at work, enhance your confidence, make you feel healthy, confident,  happy, make your skin shine, helps to attain healthy body weight, and may aid in the prevention of lifestyle-related disorders. So, eat nutritious food for a healthy version of yourself. 








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