Various non-Invasive methods for Assessing Obesity

Various Non Invasive methods  used for assessing  the Obesity 

BMI- Body Mass Index. It's calculated by dividing individuals' weight in Kg by Height in M². 

For Eg - An Asian  Individual weight is 68 kg and height is 160 cm. His BMI would be 26.5. We Classify this individual as obese and he is at increased risk of comorbidities also.

World Health Organisation  BMI Chart for Asian Indians-

Classification      BMI        (Risk of Co-morbidities)

Underweight       < 18.5      ( Low Risk)

Normal Range    18.5 - 22.9 ( Average )

Overweight          23 - 24.9   (Low to Moderate Risk)

Obese Class I      25- 29.9     (Increased Risk)

Obese Class II     30- 34.9     ( Moderate Risk )

Obese Class III    35- 39.9     ( Severe Risk)

Morbidity Obese  >= 40        ( Very Severe)

Waist Hip Ratio- 

It's the ratio that tells the ratio of fat in one's abdomen and on the Hip region. A high waist-hip ratio indicates abdominal obesity and increases the risk of NCDs such as Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke and Diabetes in an Individual.

Normal Values-

For Males - 0.75 - 0.90

For females- 0.70- 0.85 

Waist Circumference-

Waist Circumference is a crucial factor that helps us not only in predicting traditional metabolic complications in an Individual but also helps us in assessing the risk factors associated with these complications such as high insulin levels, high apolipoprotein B, Increased small dense lipoprotein particles, glucose intolerance, high triglyceride levels, high levels of LDL cholesterol, high ratio of cholesterol to high-density lipoproteins, Insulin resistance.

Ideally, the normal range of waist circumference for men is 90 cm and for women is 80 cm

For Women-

  • increased risk >= 80 cm
  • very high-risk >=88 cm
For Men-

  • increased risk >= 94 cm
  • very high risk >= 102 cm
Waist to Height Ratio-

 It is the easiest and most economical tool to assess obesity in an individual and lifestyle-related disorders. An individual having weight to height ratio >0.5 increases the chances of lifestyle-related disorders in an Individual.

BCA  ( Body Composition Analysis) -

The body composition analysis tool helps to assess possible health problems in an individual. It aids and enables health care providers to detect and diagnose overweight, obesity, and imbalance in the body at an early stage and may aid individuals to keep themselves healthy by modifying their lifestyle as per their health status and by taking appropriate consultation from physicians if needed. Through Body Composition Analysis ( BCA)we can assess the percentage of body fat, waist-hip ratio, BMR, Segmental distribution of fat mass, and muscle mass ( Lean mass) in the five body parts trunk, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg and Visceral Body Fat. For good health status the visceral fat level should range from (5-8), Levels (5-10) considered borderline, and visceral fat levels greater than 10 increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and Cardiovascular disease. The test values are compared with reference values for respective age groups and gender. Analysis and interpretation are done accordingly and it helps us to analyze the health status of an individual.


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