Value of Diet Therapy for the Migraine

Lifestyle modification tips to control Migraine Headache-

lEat a healthy balanced diet.

lIndulging in regular physical activity regime.

lAvoid excess intake of alcoholic and caffeinated  beverages.

lRegular sleep cycle.

       Foods that are beneficial for people with Migraine Headache-

lOlive oil, almonds, peanut butter, canola oil are good source of vitamin E and antioxidants. Their intake is helpful for people with migraine headache as  intake of vitamin E and Antioxidants from these dietary sources   help in appropriate blood supply in blood vessels and aid in reduction of inflammation also .

lAmaranth seeds,flax seeds, gingelly seeds (Til) , almonds, cashewnuts, cardamon , cloves ,  cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds ,omum (Ajwain)  are good source of magnesium they help in relaxation of blood vessels . In this way their intake is  useful  for individual to confront  with migraine headache.

lGinger is observed to be beneficial for prevention and cure of migraine  headache.

lPumpkin seeds, flax-seeds, walnuts , mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds , rajma,  are vegetarian source of omega 3 fatty acids. Their intake may aid to shorten the duration of migraine headache.

lMushroom , spinach , flax-seeds , cashewnuts , omum (Ajwain), cumin (Jeera)  are  good source of  riboflavin (vitamin B2 ). That is essential for utilization of energy by nerves for their proper functioning.

lVitamin D intake from dietary sources such as prawn fish and other seafood was observed to be beneficial for individuals with migraine headache.




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